Monday, March 7, 2011

A strong impulse to travel...ah, wanderlust.

I'm probably tempting fate (even though I don't believe in that...) by starting to write this because the baby has been asleep for about an hour and 15 minutes, so I'm sure she'll wake up soon.

This past week has been full of thinking about vacations.  I have wanted to go to Wilmington, NC ever since I became addicted to Dawson's Creek and One Tree Hill.  They were/are filmed in Wilmington, and it looks so beautiful on tv that I just really want to go.  I talked to Savannah about, and hopefully we can work it out so that we can go for a few days.  Kelly has spring break next week, so we've been plotting a way to visit Laura.  We're thinking about leaving Friday night to drive down to Jacksonville to spend a couple of days with Laura and her family.  Plane tickets are insanely expensive, so we'll probably have to drive 12 hours with a baby...but it'll be an adventure! I really do love roadtrips.  We've also looked up cruises for this summer, haha.  Obviously this probably won't happen beecause 1) Alice, Laura, and I do not have passports, 2) the cruises get more expensive the later you plan on going so we'd have to go at the end of May, 3) we're all pretty broke and Rachel really wants a job, and 4) Kelly isn't sure about a work thing for the summer. Oh, and Rachel is planning her wedding....but it's still fun to dream about! :) Lastly, I mentioned to Rachel how fun it would be if we really could get a bunch of our old friends from church to rent a cabin for the weekend or whatever and just hang out.  Maddie and I are planning on going to Nashville maybe sometime in April, since we won't be able to go to Georgia at that time.  Kind of a bummer, but not really cause now I have a job and at least there is Nashville!

I bet the majority of these plans will not work out, but I really do just love dreaming about traveling to interesting, fun places with great friends.  :)

I like that it's sunny outside and we have the window blinds open! Spring, come faster, and don't bring much rain with you!

EDIT: She woke up before I could post, hahaha.  See, I'm a genius! Also, I made spaghetti for the first time, and it was really good! The baby LOVED it, but the baby just ate dog food today while I had my back turned and she loved that too, so maybe she's not the best judge.  Kelly said it was pretty good, though and I trust her judgement. :)
Kelly also talked to Laura and we're on for the trip to Florida on Friday night! Woohoo! 12 hours Friday night/Saturday morning and then 3 days in Florida with good friends and a sweetie-pie baby.

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