Wow, it's been quite a while, hasn't it?
I'm starting my 2nd week watching Alice while Kelly and Elliott are gone during the day and studying at night. I have a chance to write because Alice is gone with Kelly to a meeting. :) I should probably eat something though...I'm getting a headache.
Things are going well. Alice is adjusting to me well, I think. She's started to go to sleep better for me now (since I said that, she probably won't go to sleep later tonight...) and I can make her laugh and distract her if she's really upset. She's such a joy to be precious and always smiling.
We went to the zoo today to get a membership pass for the year. :) We will hopefully be going at least once a week since spring is arriving! Weeee! I love this weather. We also went to Storytime at the library last week twice, and she had a great time. She loves interacting with the other babies! I'm planning on taking her again on Thursday.
I had plans last weekend! Woot. Well, Saturday I had plans, anyway. I was supposed to go to a job fair on Saturday, but I'm an idiot and forgot my resumes at Kelly's house and couldn't print them out at home. :( Saturday I met Rebecca for dinner at Panera! We talked about boys and life and jobs and everything else. I love that girl! She's such an encouragement to me. Aferward, I tried to get to my sis-in-law's mom's was a challenge. I got lost in Georgetown, but I finally found it! Yay! We were supposed to play games but mostly we just ate subs and everyone played on their phones/computers. Hahahaha.
Sunday morning I went to Southland with Rebecca...Rebecca was late due to traffic. It was okay though, we had great seats anyway, and the message was great. :)
This weekend I am so excited because I'm going to see George, Whitley, and Savannah...all my fave MSU buddies!! I love them all! We're gonna eat dinner and watch Quantum Leap...geeze, we're nerds. But everyone loves it, anyway.
Other news: I am researching grad school. AND I DISCOVERED I DON'T HAVE TO TAKE THE GRE!!!! This is so amazing because I don't wanna pay tons of money to take it, it sounds HARD (I am awful at math and the English section sounds ridiculously hard), and I got amazing scores on my Praxis tests. YAAAAY! I'm looking at Asbury right now...but maybe not. I need somewhere not too price-y, haha. Loans suck...and I'd really prefer to find a nice teaching job before I start my Master's. Which, speaking of jobs, there's a job opening for a preschool teacher at a new school that I think I would LOVE. We'll see...I will hopefully be able to apply soon. I'm thinking of going to Asbury for my Master's of Education in Reading and Writing...sounds like a good plan. Classes I'd have to take:
EDG 500, 605, 636, 680, 681; RDG 600, 610, 620, 622, 630, 632, 640, 642, 644
Also in the works...maybe going to Wilmington this summer with Savannah (and other friends?). Okay, so that's it right now but I'm hoping more exciting things will happen for this summer. I'm trying to be positive. :) Good note to end on.
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