Thursday, March 10, 2011

Great, now I really want ice cream.

We're leaving for Florida tomorrow night after Kelly is finished shadowing a doctor.  :) I started packing today while the baby played with her toys.  I have literally no idea if her clothes I found will fit her, hahaha.  I have everything from 6 month shirts to 18 month clothes.  Um.  I did not want to upset her by taking clothes on and off her, though.  I didn't wanna deal with screaming baby, hahaha.  But I found tons of cute summer things, and I even found cute sandals that fit her! So adorable.  Now I just need to find her some pjs and stuff, and pack for myself.  Most of it is already in a bag, I just need to figure out if I need all of it and figure out outfits for all the days we'll be gone.  I HATE PACKING.  I need to figure out books to take too...that's always a big ordeal.  I don't know how much time I'll have to read...but I hate running out.

The baby decided that she wanted to sleep 3 hours this morning.  I was fine with this because it meant I could lay around in bed all morning, and then wake up and take a shower while she slept.  :) I was a little concerned since she never sleeps that long for me.  The longest she sleeps is about 2 hours...anyway, she seems fine minus her tooth hurting.  She won't eat much though.  I gave her a yogurt smoothie thingy, and she barely ate half.  I gave her raisins, Cheerios, and a carrot but she didn't eat that much of it.  It worries me.  I guess she's just mad that Kelly isn't here so she can nurse.  :(  

Savannah and I are planning on going to Wilmington in June.  This just took place, haha.  We knew we wanted to go but now we're thinking around her birthday, because that's just fun! I think June should be a great time to go...I'll either hopefully already have a job or I'll be able to go then and not worry about an interview.  August would be bad if I have a teaching job, and who knows what we'll be doing in July.  We're thinking about a hotel or condo near the beach, so we can frolic.  Plus who wants to go to a beach-y area and not be close to the beach? NOT ME.  I think I'll go research things to do/see there right now.  

I need to finish planning this bridal shower ASAP too.  It's stressing me out! I've figured out games and food and decoration but I haven't bought anything and I have to create the games.  Yeah.  I'm such a procrastinator.  

Okay. I'm going to research and watch some Greek while the baby is still asleep. :) 

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