Thursday, August 4, 2011

My random trip to Wilmington, NC: Stumbling upon Karen's Cafe and finally seeing The Wall in person!

A week ago (and 1 day...), I was in Wilmington, NC.  I was freaking out about seeing A WALL and I was THISCLOSE to being in a One Tree Hill scene without realizing it while wearing a bathing suit instead of a bra and undies.  I was having a blast and I am sad that I'm not there anymore.  

Here's my recap of it that I wrote approx. 20 minutes after walking into our hotel room last week, while watching The Challenge: Rivals the Aftershow. In case anyone was not aware, I am basically a 15 year old girl ALWAYS AND FOREVER.  Vacation is no fact I'm worse than usual.

Thursday 7/28/11- 12:30 AM

We ate at the Brewery in downtown Wilmington, where I had delicious pulled pork and sweet potato fries :)
Then we walked along Market Street, and found Water Street beside Cape Fear River.  It was GORGEOUS.  I want to live here, seriously.  We got pictures by the water and of the navel boat in the river.  I found the waterfront boardwalk/pier type thing on Water Street that is used in Dawson’s Creek and One Tree Hill scenes, I believe. 

We found a cute shop that sells Dawson’s Creek and OTH shirts, so I debated on buying those.  Of course the OTH shirt I loved was a medium (too large) and the DC shirt I loved was a size s (possibly too small).  We found the wall that Pacey buys for Joey (I’s painted now and looks different, I hope it was the right wall, haha).  

I fangirled a lot.  We walked back over to The Village Market, and I think that was used in DC at some point. :) We randomly walked down Front Street again, and this is where it gets EXCITING.  
We were strolling along and suddenly a police man told us to please cross the street since they were shooting.  Suddenly we see KAREN’S CAFE aka one of the most famous locations from OTH! OMGOSH I FREAKED OUT.  THere were girls on the corners watching, and I heard someone say they saw Tyler or something.  TYLER MEANING TYLER HILTON AKA MY LOOOOVE.  So I wanted to stay, but Rebecca was dizzy and wanted to walk to see the Cotton Exchange place.  I got a quick pic of me with Karen’s Cafe behind me, then we walked down there.  We saw a bunch of girls standing around, and trailers.  THAT MUST BE THE FILM TRAILERS.  So cool.  We walked back because that area was closed, pretty much. 

We stopped by Karen’s Cafe (across the street, of course) and waited.  Rebecca asked some woman if she knew if Tyler HIlton was filming, she said yes.  She said they were breaking around 8 (it was after 8) but she didn’t know when they actually would.  We thought there were fans REALLY close but they turned out to be extras.  I decided we could walk on since I looked GROSS and didn’t want to bother Tyler when he finally was finished.  So we walked across the street, thinking they weren’t filming there...but as we were walking across, we heard a voice say something about ending that scene.  Soooo we might have almost been seen walking across the street on OTH.  Cool.  Then we stopped for a few minutes, discussing what we should do...but apparently we were still in the scene, so a man said we had to walk across the street or go to some store.  Okay.  So I decided we should just walk back to the store with the shirts, and buy them.  I bought a OTH shirt and DC shirt since that experience just happened.  Rebecca got a tshirt for 1/2 off, since I bought 2.  :) The store clerk told me that tons of people buy OTH and DC things, so I felt less dorky.  She was very sweet and helpful. We got a picture on the waterfront together, and some awesome girls took it for us.  They were wearing 23 shirts, so I asked if that was OTH related.  They said yes, and so I told them about what had just happened to us.  They didn’t know they were filming, so they appreciated that info.  People in Wilmington are just so nice.Then we walked back to 2nd Str. where we parked, and we hit the road.  

Today I found out that Tyler HIlton played some songs for fans who were waiting outside of where they were filming today. This is why I think he is such a fantastic guy.  This is why I travel hundreds of miles to go to one of his shows, why I will watch literally any tv show or movie he is involved with, and why I will buy all of his music.  He also happens to be an incredibly talented musician, versatile actor (he's always playing douches, so obviously he's a GREAT actor because he's the nicest guy in the entire world IRL), super sexy and gorgeous, the nicest celebrity I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, and my favorite boy in the entire world (excluding my dad, my nephew, and my dog because let's face it, they can do no wrong).  

Wow, that was a bunch of rambling.  I'm done, but let's just reiterate this: I love Wilmington and I want to go back immediately, I am destined to act like a dorky teenager my whole life, and Tyler HIlton is the perfect man.  :)

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