Monday, August 29, 2011

Here are some ways my life is just absolutely ridiculous...

1.  Savannah and I have a friend from high school church youth group who just had a baby.  We hadn't gotten a chance to see him, so we all figured out that Saturday would work out best for all of us to go visit. She lives outside of Cynthiana, which is like an hour from my house...or so we thought.  We left around 1 pm on Saturday in my fabulous Toyota Corolla, Jack.  We get to Georgetown without any trouble, and we're on 62-E, heading toward Cynthiana and Paris. Savannah called Emilie to get directions to her house (because they live in the middle of nowhere and the normal route was in the middle of construction), so we have directions.  Well, we get to Cynthiana, and we think we're supposed to keep going straight on 27N until we see Walmart.  Um, no.  Not at all.  We got about 10 miles from Falmouth (where my friend Whitley is from, yay!) so we knew we were not going the right way.  Hahaha.  We turn around (at a barn...) and call Emilie, but she has no idea where we are.  Her hubby has to tell Savannah how to get there.  We find the way we're supposed to go, but we were supposed to turn right at some point, but we kept going.  Well, that road suddenly said "ROAD CLOSED IN 1000 FEET" and then we realized OH CRAP THE ROAD IS ACTUALLY CLOSED AND NO DETOUR EXISTS. UGH.  OUR LIVES.  It's now about 2:30, so we're really a lot later than we should be.  We turn around, turn left where we are supposed to, drive forever on one road, and FINALLY make it to her road.  We passed her house, but she called eventually and told us she saw us pass it.

It was worth every extra minute driving though, because her son is THE CUTEST BOY EVER (besides Ryan, who is my nephew and therefore the cutest).  He looks a little like a turtle, but in a cute baby way that is totally endearing! He makes the best faces, and does gangsta arm motions that make me giggle.  He also slept in my arms and at dinner, so he's obviously pretty chill and awesome.  :)

2.  I'm at Kelliott's for the week, watching Alice.  I made bread...or really I put ingredients in the bread machine and Elliott started it.  I have the worst luck with bread machines.  The last time I tried to use it, I thought I broke it.  It was a bad time.  Today I spilled coconut oil (which I don't even now if I was supposed to use, but it said extra virgin so I figured it was okay...) inside, and then flour spilled everywhere and I forgot to put the paddle in the pan.  Hahahaha.  I didn't even know it needed a paddle, but OBVIOUSLY IT DOES, IT HAS TO MIX THE INGREDIENTS AND DO OTHER STUFF, IDIOT.  Let's all just hope that it turns out good.  We're having BBQ chicken pizza! MMMM.  And Alice has slept like 6-7 hours today.  It's a little strange, but we just think she's growing.

3.  Okay, so I have been watching MTV's Real World/RR Challenges (even though now it's not even RR challenges, ugh) since I was in high school ( 8 years).  I have had a crush on CT (the psycho guy from Real World: Paris, and The Inferno where he yelled at everyone and ate cookies and milk like a champ) and it's never really gone away.  He was back this season on The Challenge: Rivals, and he was my FAVORITE.  He is actually less angry and mean, which is very awesome.  He is still really scary, mostly because he kicks everyone's butt at all challenges and he doesn't put up with anyone's crap.  He's randomly coming to my town (okay, I live 10 mins outside of town but WHATEVER, it's my hometown ALWAYS) in Sept to hang out with fans? SO COMPLETELY RANDOM.  He's coming with my favorite girl on the shows (Katie, what up.  Yeah, she's hilarious and doesn't put up with crap either, hahaha) and this dude who is from KY.  Whitley's roomie actually knows that guy, hahaha.  Anyway, I kinda wanna go.  I'm trying to talk Savannah into coming with me, because I made her watch all the episodes with me and she likes him too.  We're kinda terrified to meet him though, hahaha.  We'll just have to see.  I feel like it would make a good story later, especially with the two of us.  We have the funniest, most random things happen when we're together.

THE END.  Alice just woke up.  I'm off to play with her.

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