Friday, May 13, 2011

Someone turned 2 today...

2 years ago on May 13, my beautiful niece Lily June was born.  She was so pretty...tiny everywhere, petite features, dark hair.  She was a light in my life from the moment she was born.  I am so blessed to have a niece like her.  She is sweet, sassy, silly, and absolutely a little princess.

Aunt Kasi and Lily...our first picture together.  Father's Day, 2009.

Aunt Kasi and Lily at Uncle Ben's wedding.  This is framed in my room. :) She's so pretty.

I love this Lily face. 

Lily trying to walk with Papaw.  

She's got the Peel's so cute when you're a baby.

She's so pretty.

Favorite picture of us EVER.

Us after a snack :) (I am gross, but I do like this picture)

Spring 2010

This was taken at Ryan's 3rd birthday party last June.

Hahahaha, this is a classic.

Random picture taken on the Treadmill...

She has crazy, beautiful hair.  I love it.

Lily carrying Papaw's house shoe.  

Lily and Aunt Kasi at King's Island, September 2010.

Lily June, I am truly blessed to be a part of your life.  You make everyone smile, and everyone who meets you loves you.  You have such a strong spirit.  You are already a little princess, a diva, and you want what you want when you want it.  I love that we have similar temperaments.  It makes me happy, because I love it in you...while others may think it's us being "difficult", I love how strong you are (I am not strong, but I'm so glad you are).  You have such a distinct personality, and I can't wait to see it grow and grow as you get older.  Happy 2nd birthday, sweet girl.  I miss you everyday.  Love you like crazy.
Aunt Kasi

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