Monday, January 31, 2011

I will always love youuuuuu...Justy-boy.

I have STUFF! to talk about at a later time...but I am all hyper and excited about something sooo....

wait for it....wait for it...


You are one of my favorite guys on the entire planet...possibly my VERY favorite.  That is saying A LOT, because I have huge, ginormous, insanely large crushes on tons of different awesome fellows.  I mean, Jared Padalecki is pretty awesome and so is Chris Lowell, so you should be proud that I love you THE MOST. (Okay, you might be after Tyler Hilton in my love...oh, wait. I DON'T KNOW, I CAN'T CHOOSE. I love you both equally but in different ways!)

You are wonderful.  I will never get over my love for you.  I love your curly hair, I love when you shave your head because your curls are INSANE, I love your big grin, I love your fantastic body, I love your beautiful voice, I love your laugh, I love that you're active in charities, I love how much you love golf, I love how you're now an actor, I love when you dress up like a gingerbread man on Ellen, and I love that I can always recognize your voice in a song.  You are my ideal man.  Keep being the way you are, because it's amazing.  <3333 

Now it's time for some old pictures! (Thanks, Google.  I stole these from you.)
The Model Behavior time period!!! I loved this time in his life.  :) He's so cute with the darker hair.  Mmmmm. I adored this movie, too. It's probably still on tape somewhere...I almost died when he kissed Janine/whatever her name was in the movie.  

The perfect time period for his hair.  Nerd alert: I used to fall asleep thinking about his hair and the way it bounced when he'd dance in concert.  Hahahaha.  I also fantasized about running my hands through it.  CURLS. I LOVE CURLS. <3333 HEARTS FOREVER.  Okay, I'm done.


Ohhh, the beginning days of *NSYNC (I am not sure if it's spelled that way or 'N Sync or 'NSYNC or NSync or WHAT, but the star makes it ~special.)  I feel like I should recognize this concert immediately, but I can not say for sure. PATHETIC, Kasi, seriously. I need to re-watch tapes, ASAP.  UGH, HIS HAIR. IT SLEIGHS ME.  

I'm truly done now.  Love you forever, JT.

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