Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I need a job ASAP.

There is really nothing going on in my life that is exciting.  It's snowy, I'm a lazy bum, you know how it goes.
1. I have applied for 4 jobs now...have only heard back from one person.  Might have an interview in a few days for a nanny job.  I applied for another nanny job tonight...who knows. It said a nanny was needed ASAP, so hopefully that one will work out.  It's for a 6 mo old boy...sounds fun.
2.  My teeth hurt. The dentist is BRUTAL, but I love it.  They always make me feel like a good tooth-brusher...which I am.  I take it very seriously.  Also, I have a light pulse? They always say this.  I don't know what that means, but okay.
3.  I want to move out VERY BADLY. Yeah.
4. My dog is lying on my perpetual bruised knee (I fell down stairs 2 years ago and got a huge bruise and it, like, dented my bone, sooo now it hurts all the time).  UGH.  She's lucky she's so cute.
5. I can't stop researching weddings. I'm a MOH and so I've been trying to figure out bridal shower ideas and stuff.  Well, then I got sucked into wedding toasts and poems and then I got all weepy about not being in love and listened to Little Bit Stronger by Sara Evans on repeat.  Why does no one want to date me? I'm a catch, obviously.
6.  Someone stop me from watching Twilight and New Moon every time they are on tv.  It's getting absurd and I really don't even like the movies.  It's pathetic. 
That's all.  EXCEPT...I am always a ISFJ when I take that one personality test.  ALWAYS.  Which means I am a Guardian Protector and I really just think it makes me sound like I should be a social worker and basically take my work home with me.  I'm loyal, conservative, traditional, and my shyness comes off as cold.  AWESOME.  Even if some of that sucks, it's still 100% me.  
Now I might go write something depressing and sucky about every year that I've liked you.  Or read this romantic book about a vet and an international lawyer who fall in love during a snowstorm.  Okay, bye.

PS- I need a haircut.  I think I'm going to get it cut chin-length, with layers. Hopefully that won't look terrible in a few months.  

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