Sunday, August 15, 2010

the story of how I became Ms. P(ea)

Since the title "Ms. P(ea)'s Life" doesn't make much sense unless you know the story, I figured I'd explain.  (Does anyone else feel stupid when they write blogs and aren't sure if someone is going to read it? It makes me feel dumb.  Someone PLEASE read this; I will feel less silly.) 

So, in October '09, I was co-teaching at a school in Bath Co, KY with my peer and old roomie, Amanda.  We were teaching science to 4th graders (they were adorable, and sometimes hard to manage, but I loved every second I spent with them)...more specifically, light.  :) None of that really matters though,  but I just like to explain everything.  So we're in the classroom on the first day of school (we were also a little late, thanks to me being a spaz and forgetting to turn at the exit...) and we decided to do a name game to get to know the kids.  We got in a big circle, and we told them that we would go around in a circle and say a food that begins with the first letter of our names and then our name...such as "Brandon Bean".  Amanda said "I'm Flour F___" and I said "I'm Pea Peel" (they were supposed to call us Ms. Peel and Ms. F___ because they're older).  Well, my last name is Peel, so they could very reasonably call me Ms. P...and they did.  I was called Ms. P(ea) for the rest of our time together, and it made me smile every time.  They really got a kick out of it.  They tried to call Amanda Ms. Flour, but she found it insulting and disrespectful...which is her prerogative.  I'm one of those teachers who love to be called something funny, or endearing, or just plain silly, as long as it's not an insulting or demeaning name.  I have been called Ms. Kaski, Ms. Casey, Ms. P(ea), and there is no telling what other names I will be called throughout my career.  

That's the story about my nickname, Ms. P(ea).  I hope it sticks around for a long time.  

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