Thursday, August 26, 2010

just call me Minnie Mouse...

I have been so busy with student teaching that I have barely had time to think.

Tonight I had to finish my first homework assignment for my seminar class, go to a parent meeting at school, and after that I was so exhausted from the day that I just watched tv.  I just emailed my assignment (since my computer is being slow, I couldn't send it earlier) and now I really want to sleep for DAYS.

Here's a conversation I had with a student today that amused me...

5th grade boy: how old are you?
me: 23. how old are you?
boy: 10.  you don't look that old.
me: no, I look young, don't I?
boy: yes. and you have a squeaky voice.

I didn't know how to take that...compliment or insult? hahaha.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Funny Kiddos pt. 1

I should document conversations that amuse me while at school.  I know I'll appreciate them later, when I need a good chuckle.  :)

This happened as we were walking to Wellness today.  

5th grade girl: I'm almost as tall as you!
me: yup, you are. I'm short.
girl: and I have longs legs, just like my mom.

Yup, story of my life.  I'm always the short one, no matter where I am...even elementary schools.  I wonder when the kids will comment on my ridiculously small feet or hands? 

Tomorrow is Day #2, I hope it goes well.  

first day of student teaching = COMPLETED

Hi, I survived my first day! Yes, this is a big accomplishment...okay, not really.

I was a nervous wreck last I knew I would be.  I went to the state fair yesterday with some friends, and I didn't even get home until 12:30.  Well, I tossed and turned all night, obviously.  I had to get up at 6 am to take a shower and make sure everything was ready to go.  I didn't leave until 7:15, which wasn't really LATE but also not when I had planned to leave.  Eek.  I walked into the school around 8:28-ish, went to the office to see what I needed to do, and then had to find my way to my teacher's room.  I got lost, oh...about 3 times, haha.  I finally found it, with the help of some wonderful teachers :)  Ms. L, my first cooperating teacher is wonderful and very laid-back.  We're gonna get along fabulously, I can already tell.  I got a chance to learn the schedule, and she introduced me to her "homeroom" when they were all in the classroom.  They have math "flashbacks" and some beginning activities (like lunch stuff and turning in homework, etc) and then writing.  I had a chance to help with their writing...they're writing a paragraph after interviewing their parents.  I helped a few students proofread, and helped them with run-on sentences, sentence fragments, punctation and spelling mistakes, etc.  At the end of the class, a girl forgot to save her paragraph, so she lost her work and there were a few tears shed.    Is it bad if a student cries on the first day you're there? What if you did nothing to upset the student, they were just upset with the situation? Well, whatever, I was kind of upset for them and felt terrible.  Probably need to work on that in the future...their pain just makes me feel awful.  The students went to Fine Arts (PE/music for today), and I had a bit of time to learn what happens in class, procedures, my requirements, and all that kind of stuff while they were gone.  They had math after that, where I helped 2 girls play a game...then 3rd period they split up and go to Social Studies, Science, or Reading.  I was with Ms. L for Social Studies, and I had a chance to grade a quiz they took.  Then we had Wellness (recess) and lunch, and finally the last 2 blocks of the day. :) I went to science for 4th period, and Reading for 5th.  I mostly observed today, but I can't wait to be more involved.

As I was walking out of the school today, one of the boys who is in like, ALL of my classes said "bye, Ms. Peel!" I love it.

Things I love:
- how safe the school feels
- the hallways and the cutesy names...Perseverance Way, something Cafe, etc.  SO ADORABLE.
- tiny TINY primaries in the hallways. they are SO SMALL compared to the 5th graders
- M, the cutest little boy who is so sweet and so kind
- Ms. L
- Ms. C (my next cooperating teacher :D)
- students saying "bye, Ms. Peel" as I leave!
- "are you married?" "are you a teenager?" hahaha, the things kids ask adults.
- I get to teach social studies!!!!  this is a major relief for me.

I will probably add more to this later, but I feel overwhelmed from the day.  I'm off to eat dinner and then babysit!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

the story of how I became Ms. P(ea)

Since the title "Ms. P(ea)'s Life" doesn't make much sense unless you know the story, I figured I'd explain.  (Does anyone else feel stupid when they write blogs and aren't sure if someone is going to read it? It makes me feel dumb.  Someone PLEASE read this; I will feel less silly.) 

So, in October '09, I was co-teaching at a school in Bath Co, KY with my peer and old roomie, Amanda.  We were teaching science to 4th graders (they were adorable, and sometimes hard to manage, but I loved every second I spent with them)...more specifically, light.  :) None of that really matters though,  but I just like to explain everything.  So we're in the classroom on the first day of school (we were also a little late, thanks to me being a spaz and forgetting to turn at the exit...) and we decided to do a name game to get to know the kids.  We got in a big circle, and we told them that we would go around in a circle and say a food that begins with the first letter of our names and then our name...such as "Brandon Bean".  Amanda said "I'm Flour F___" and I said "I'm Pea Peel" (they were supposed to call us Ms. Peel and Ms. F___ because they're older).  Well, my last name is Peel, so they could very reasonably call me Ms. P...and they did.  I was called Ms. P(ea) for the rest of our time together, and it made me smile every time.  They really got a kick out of it.  They tried to call Amanda Ms. Flour, but she found it insulting and disrespectful...which is her prerogative.  I'm one of those teachers who love to be called something funny, or endearing, or just plain silly, as long as it's not an insulting or demeaning name.  I have been called Ms. Kaski, Ms. Casey, Ms. P(ea), and there is no telling what other names I will be called throughout my career.  

That's the story about my nickname, Ms. P(ea).  I hope it sticks around for a long time.  

new blog :)

Hi! I have been "blogging" since high school (soo, about 7 years?)...well, actually I started a teenopendiary account in middle school but I don't like to talk about those days...anyway, the point is that this isn't my first blogging experience.  However, it's the first time I have had an open non-friend's only blog since those middle school days, and it's going to be used to talk about professional things like teaching, lesson plans, discipline, etc while I'm student teaching.  That's new.  I'm used to talking about boys I like, tv shows I'm watching, and other useless trivial junk.
I hope this goes well...I have actually been thinking about starting a new blog for my "adult" life, haha. Student teaching starts in exactly a week, so I will hopefully be able to write more about actual teaching then.  Until that point comes, I might just write about daily things going through my head, and possibly little posts about important people who mean a lot to me.  I am already nervous about embarking on this new, exciting, very scary last semester of school before I enter the big, frightening REAL world of teaching and living without my parents financial help (hopefully...if I find a job, haha).  It is very surreal.  I have been dreaming of being a teacher since I was a little girl, playing school with my dolls.  There is no other career for me, there is nothing I would rather do than help inspire and teach youngsters how to do all the important things they need to know in elementary school, in their later grades, and in their adult lives.  Nothing is better than helping a student understand something that they just did not get, and having a student tell yoi that you're their "favorite", or watching their little smiles spread across their faces when you encourage them and love them in spite of all their "flaws" (that you do not see, because they are wonderful and so bright and they can do anything they set their minds to).  Some kids do not have anyone else in their lives who will believe in them and the best of them no matter what, and that is what I love about teaching and being a role model.  I was meant to be a teacher, and I am so thankful to God that He revealed my true calling at such a young age.
Also, if you couldn't tell, I am long-winded and can write a novel about almost anything. Please like me in spite of this, haha.