Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Survey

1. What did you do in 2010 that you’d never done before?
Drove to Ashland many, MANY times to go to a dumb class.  Visited Louisa and saw the Country Music Highway Museum.  Visited Columbus with Savannah and ate at First Stop.  Hit a turtle while driving.  Finished my undergrad degree.  Student taught.  Graduated.  There are other things I'm sure I did for the first time, but those are the main things.  
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

I don't think I made any resolutions. They make me kind of sad, because I know I won't keep them.
No, I won't make any.  I'll work on improving myself as it comes.  
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

Kelly. :) I love baby Alice.
4. Did anyone close to you die?

No.  Thank goodness! 
5. What countries did you visit?
None.  :(
6. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010?
Well, I had a little money in 2010.  A little more would be nice, just so I can move out of my house.  I would like to have a boy in my life who loves me, but I guess I'll be okay if that doesn't happen.  I would like a stable, good job involving children that is salary.  I would like a closer relationship with God, and a new church home in 2011.  I would like more time with my family.  That's the most important thing: God and family.  
7. What dates from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
April (baby Alice was born), July (first gig as a nanny...whoa), August 23 (started student teaching), December 18 (I graduated)
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

I graduated! Well...hopefully.  I still have to send in my timecard, haha.  Sooo as soon as I stop being lazy, I will do that.  But yes, graduating with the degree that I've always wanted and graduating magna cum laude was a very big achievement for me.  Now, the real world awaits.  SCARY.
9. What was your biggest failure?
That dumb C in my math class. I hate C's.  I also do not take enough chances, and I know I'll regret it later.  That needs to stop.  I'm working on it, slowly. :)
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
I had a few minor illnesses.  A pretty bad cold in Sept, and that ridiculous stomach virus last week.  I had no major injuries, thank the Lord.  
11. What was the best thing you bought?
Best thing I bought? I really have no idea.  I didn't buy my new laptop, but that's the best purchase of the year.  Thanks, parents.  I love it.
12. Where did most of your money go?
Going out to eat...or maybe gas. I really don't spend much money.  Well, unless I go to Target with Maddie, haha.'s a bad month if I spend more than $100.
13. What did you get really excited about?
Baby Alice! I love babies.  Student teaching.  Graduating.  Same old thing I've been talking about constantly, hahaha. Tyler Hilton concerts! 
14. What song will always remind you of 2010?
California Gurls by Katy Perry...mostly of me driving to the Little Man who I took care of this summer.  
15. Compared to this time last year, are you:

– happier or sadder? Eh.  Same?
– thinner or fatter? Maybe thinner, just cause of the stomach virus.  Thanks, illness.
– richer or poorer? Richer only because I got grad money, hahaha.
16. What do you wish you’d done more of?

Spend time with my family.  Hang out with friends.  Be awesome.  Spend time with God (prayer, worship, fellowship with other Christians, etc).  Hang out with my niece and nephew, because they are the coolest kids ever.
17. What do you wish you’d done less of?

Complaining. Worrying.  Being scared of life.  Watch so many dumb shows that are pointless.  Dwell on negative things.  Spend my time doing dumb things that are meaningless in the long run.
18. How did you spend Christmas?
Most of the time I was in bed, slowly dying from the virus.  I came downstairs and hung out with my parents for a bit.  Yeah.  Not the best Christmas...
19. What was your favorite TV program?
Um.  Bones? I really get excited when it comes on.  I like to re-watch old tv shows because most of the stuff on now is starting to really suck.
20. What were your favorite books of the year?
Books that came out this year? I don't know.  Books that I read this year? Hmm.  I liked The Nanny Diaries and Earthquakes.  I read a lot of books I've already read a million times.
21. What was your favorite music from this year?

Lady Antebellum, Taylor Swift (don't judge me), Jason Aldean, Luke Bryan, Katy Perry,  I can't think of more.
22. What were your favorite films of the year?
I liked The Killers, Tangled, Life as We Know It...I didn't see many new movies.  
23. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I went to Nashville with Savannah and Whitley for a Tyler Hilton concert.  I met Tyler for the 3rd time, Josiah Leming called me darlin' twice, and I got my copy of Charlie Bartlett signed.  I turned 24 (I don't wanna talk about that...).
24. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Boyfriend.  Pathetic, but true.
25. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010?
Haha, what? I liked to be comfortable and as un-awkward as possible.  Yeah.
26. What kept you sane?
Savannah. My dad. My dogs. Savannah.  No, seriously, Savannah keeps me sane.
27. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010.

People can not read your mind, so you should probably let them know when they're doing something they can work on that.  Constructive criticism.  (This isn't to myself, so maybe this is grouchy.  Whatever, I'm a little angry still.)

December 2010

My month in pictures :)
Before graduation...Whitley and I were bored.
Me, Ron, and Amanda after I graduated. They're my old roomies :)
 Savannah, me, and Whitley at the Ugly Christmas Sweater Party! We all look lovely.
My brothers with me in the middle.  I look so tiny compared to them (well, I am tiny, but still.  It's kind of pathetic.)
   Rachel (my bestest), Brett (her bf), and me.  We're awesome.  THE END.
  l to r: Kelly, me, Alice (the baby), Rachel, Laura, Terra.  We all went to church together for YEARS.  I miss them so much (they live in Louisville, Ohio, Memphis, and Jacksonville...aka too far from me)
  George W. Bush and I are soulmates.  It's true love, okay.
The girls again, minus Alice.  But really, who had the baby?
  One Kasi and Savannah photo from our annual Christmas Photo Shoot with Whitley :)
Shelby (sis-in-law), my momma, and I in front of my grandparent's tree.  Christmas Eve times! (I felt really terrible, but hopefully I don't look like I'm dying.)
 George randomly took this Wednesday night.  You can see my new pink Otterbox, though.  It's pretty awesome.

It was a pretty good month, overall. Graduation, festive parties, good times with friends and family, Christmas, music, Sweet Valley High dvds...

My brain is weird.

I love meeting people who are left-handed.  It's like they understand exactly what my life has been like and how I've struggled.

Kind of kidding, kind of not.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

I wanted to be Elizabeth because Jessica seemed kind of slutty...

I always have so many plans to write in here.  I want to be a good writer. I want to be funny.  I just don't think that I am.

Well, it's been almost a week since Christmas Eve.  I got sick Christmas Eve, went to my grandparent's anyway, and stayed sick over Christmas all the way until Tuesday night.  It really was not fun, AT ALL.  Stupid stomach bug.  :(  I did have a good Christmas in spite of being sick.  I saw my wonderful family (including my beautiful niece and nephew <3), I got to hang out with my brother and his wife, and I just love presents.  I have a new pink ipod named Clarisse and a bunch of really random toys that my dad gave me.  Haha.

Otherwise, I went out with friends last night.  We went to Sonny's where I ate too much, we talked about country music, and then went back to my friend's apartment where he asked us to name songs as he played them.  It was fun. :)

This afternoon my best friends from college came over to watch Christmas movies (starring Chad Michael Murray and Jared Padalecki, respectably) and eat food.  We also opened our presents.  I got Sweet Valley High on DVD! Amazing.  I'm a 15 year old girl at heart. I also got a gift card to Half Price Books, a book, and a bookmark.  <3 We made fun of silly people in the movies, melted over Jared Padalecki, and went to a drivethrough for pizza.  Jealous? You should be.

Now I'm going to go off and finish cleaning my room.  Taylor Swift is playing.  See, 15 year old girl at heart.  I don't lie about these things.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Presents stress me out.

I am almost finished with Christmas shopping.  I know what you're thinking...I should be completely finished by now; Christmas is Saturday and it's Wednesday afternoon. dad is very hard to buy for.  My brother's are must run in the family.  I went to Kohl's yesterday (I had to fight some of the crowd, ugh...crowds are horrible and I hate them), and found some good presents for my friends, a baby (:D), and my dad.  However, I need to find him something else.  My dad is one of those guys who does not need ANYTHING.  He usually tells me to buy him plants (boring), books (boring), or UK stuff (expensive).  Geeze.  My brothers on the other hand like things...but they like things like football, motorcycles (well, cars in general), guns, photography- all things I know NOTHING about.  They are both married, so I have to pick out things that will look cute in their house and that their wives will like. AWFUL.  I'm also always tempted to buy Ben candy- he loves Pez, Runts, Airheads, and Cordial Cherries.  That's kind of a cheap gift though..."Here Ben, I bought you a whole bag of candy that will make you bounce off the walls and rot your teeth! Enjoy!" Yeah.  I've decided I'm getting them both the same movie and they will just have to like it.  Now I need to focus on getting my niece and nephew some awesome presents, because what I have gotten so far is just not cutting it.  It's so hard to buy presents for a 1 year old who is very picky and doesn't really understand the idea of princesses and dolls yet (I will spoil her rotten when she's about 4 or 5...I'm a girly-girl) and a 3 year old boy who likes to sing (but they don't like toys with sound, soooo that narrows down acceptable toys), dance, and run around like a maniac all the time.

Sometimes I wish I was the type of person who could just do gift cards, but they're so thoughtless.  Like, I enjoy giftcards but I appreciate gifts that a person handpicked themselves so much more than the fact that they went and plopped down $20 at a random store.  I love picking things out, I love thinking "oh, she'll LOVE this! I can't wait to wrap it and give it to her!" Life would be easier if I stopped caring about finding the perfect gift and could just give gift cards.

This is kind of grumpy.  Sorry! I promise I'm not a Grinch, I just am frustrated with shopping and crowds.  I will watch something Christmas-y to put me in a better mood...Love Actually should do the trick.  :)

Monday, December 20, 2010

The one where I am really dorky and talk about being in love with my laptop

I am typing this blog update on my NEW MAC! I LOVE IT.  It's a silver MacBook Pro...I named him Sterling.  He is a beauty, and we are in love.  I'm sorry to say this, but he's so much nicer than my desktop and Dell laptop.  I hope they will still like me as a friend, but we're no longer romantic at all.  I'm devoting myself to Sterling.

Haha, sleep might be needed.  I'm loopy.

Anywho...I am also a graduate! I graduated from Morehead State University on Saturday with a BA in Elem. Education :) Very exciting! I got my grades today...A in my seminar, B in student teaching.  I don't really want to talk about it, hahaha.  I'm a lil bitter. Whatever...I'll get over it.  Life is short.  Life is good.  :)

I think I will update later with more about graduation and all the festive parties I went to this weekend.  I am getting sleepy...thanks, job searching.  It's so exhausting being unemployed ;D

Sweet dreams.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Why am I up at 10:40 pm, watching General Hospital? Well, there is supposedly a winter storm arriving, I'm hoping for a snow day, and I've finally finished my student teaching work...and I mean EVERYTHING! Yesss. I'm done!! Yay! Also, today was ny last day most likely of student teaching. It was bittersweet. I gave the kids airplanes and necklaces, we had a holiday lunch complete with Christmas carol sing a longs, and they gave me hugs and begged me to stay. Apparently I should either fail college or get a job there so I can stay. Oh, kids. I will miss them.

Snow is falling! :) here's hoping for lots of snow!